jeudi 13 mars 2008


N 70 - JUNE 1995

SONOR - meaning "chase" in the Sakhlanguage - is making its way to Paris with a competition at Headquarters on 3 may as part of UNESCO's Projet 2000+,promoting scientific and technological education. The math game, which can be made at home, was inspired by traditional Siberian hunting techniques. It is now a favourite among herder, hunters ans kids in the sakha Republic wthere it has been incorpotated within the region's primary school curriculum, according to its inventor, Grigori Tomski of UNESCO's education sector. In addition to the competition organized with UNESCO's Childrens'Club, a second session was for adults at the Academie diplomatique internationale in Paris.

Toys and Games: Sonor (Basic JIPTO)

In the Repablic of Yakoutia situed in Russian Federation the love of gaming is instilled in the very young. The relatively small indiginous population of the country has tutned to intellectual games as a diversion from the severe climate conditions of the region, situated north-east of Siberia.
The games they play fall into the category of "intellectual games of pursuit", coinciding with their hunting traditions.
A new game of this kind has recently been created. It's calles "Sonor", and its inventor is Grigori Tomski, a Yakoutia native, mathematics professor, and education expert at UNESCO.
Grigori Tomski: "I wanted to became a sailor like my father with whom I often sailled on the Lena river. But when I was thirteen, I happened on a book of math and logic games, which I read and re-read with great pleasure. Perhaps, that's why I later became a specialist in the mathematical theory of games."
The rules of "Sonor" go something like this: The game is played on a cloth rectangle. On one side is the "pursuer" and on the other, the five "fugitives". The goal of the fugitives is to reach any or all of the three lines on the board to gain points - one point for the firstline, two for the second, and three for the third. The goal of the pursuer is to hunt down the fugitives, touch them, and therfore knock them out of the game. When all the fugitives have been taken or when all
have reached the last and third line, players change sides. A tally of points at the end declares the winner.Each pieces is allowed to move in a 360 degree radius. This allows the players to work on all levels of strategy, depending on their skills. A Four year old or eighty-four
old can play Sonor.
Sonor is part of the FIDJIP, the International Federation of the JIP system.
Chantal Barthelemy-Ruiz: "FIDJIP was created UNESCO in the framework of Project Two Thousand Plus, which gives acces to a greater number of people the science and technology.
This federation therefore handles what we call the pursuit game, with are game of mathematical reason, whith helps go beyond playing to develop mathematical capacities and to discover one's
abilities in this area. And the Sonor game is one of these intellectual pursuit games wo're trying to promote. Sonor can be constructed by anyone. "
Grigori Tomski's family plays with pieces, representing their native culture, but pieces depicting most anything may be used.

TABAS INTERNATIONAL, 1996-1997, p. 38:

Alisher UMAROV is champion of UNESCO Competition by JIPTO, 5th Novembre 1996. 50th Anniversary of UNECO with the Director General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor:

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